
SAFEST is a security framework used to assess enterprise solutions and technology projects to ensure compliance against industry best-standards and internal security controls and methodologies. The framework provides an approach based on a wide set of categories, allowing to perform a deep dive into the main security areas of a typical solution. The solution can then be found in compliance against each category, minimizing security risks and closing down any identified gaps.


Key Attributes

Common language
Simple to follow
Highly adaptable


Solution based

Can be applied against existing deployments, new enterprise solutions or technology projects.


Modular Framework

Three distinct core modules with a focus in governance, security controls and disaster recovery.

A new approach

SAFEST Framework has a simple goal, to ensure that security controls are embedded into enterprise solutions and technology projects. In order to achieve this objective, SAFEST is divided into three core components, which are further divided into subcomponents and categories. The core components are: GRM (Governance and Risk Management), ISC (Information Security Controls) and RDR (Resilience and Disaster Recovery). These three broad modules can be used to address the typical areas that a solution should cover and ensure a thorough assessment was performed before deployment into the corporate infrastructure.

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